A huge thanks to all the boys who made such a notable effort to walk to school as we launched ‘Walk On Wednesday’ or Walk Once A Week’. The effect the initiative, expertly organised by Ms Ronan and in conjunction with our Green Flag Committee, was very obvious and we really couldn’t have asked for better weather.
Prizes: Many prizes were given away on the day and the winners were as follows:
Helmets for walkers/Park N Striders: Divante (Mr Wynne), Ben (Mr O’Connell) and Matas (Mr Conlon).
WOW Poster Competition: Lukas, Sean, Jack, Luke and Edward.
Helmets Raffle: James, Luke and Shay.
Intercom Quiz: Junior: Ms Halpenny (36/40), Senior: Mr Conlon (39/40)
The winning class of the day, with a WHOPPING 94% of boys walking/ Park N Striding was Ms Hennessy’s class. This class now receive an additional hour of PE.
Well done one and all.