St. Malachy’s BNS ~ School Rules
- School starts at 9.05am. Children are asked to be on time for school and to have respect for all school property.
- Mobile phones must not be brought to school or on school trips for any reason.
- School uniform should be worn at all times except on designated PE days (School PE tracksuit should be worn on these days). All school uniforms, coats and tracksuits should be clearly labelled with the child’s name.
- Suitable ‘Plain Black’ footwear should be worn with school uniform (Non-mark runners on PE days).
- Chewing gum is forbidden on school premises and on schools trips.
- No child will be allowed leave the school premises during school hours unless he is collected by a parent/guardian.
- Children must have a note of explanation/ medical cert. on returning to school after an absence.
See Policies for further details.