Today marks Safer Internet Day (SID) 2020. This is an EU wide initiative to promote a safer internet for all users, especially young people. It is promoted in Ireland by the PDST Technology in Education and Webwise. The resources and posters you see in this post can be accessed via Webwise and the PDST. This week the boys have been discussing and working through activities for Safer Internet Day and this will continue throughout the week. We would encourage parents to discuss internet safety and usage with their children, especially the poster ‘5 Things To Talk About’. The school also welcomes our colleagues from Zeeko (zeeko.ie) who will visit our school on Friday to speak to the boys about being safe online and Cyberbullying. Thank you for checking out the webwise resources which we have used and we would encourage you to check out https://www.webwise.ie/saferinternetday/ and www.cybersafeireland.org.