Under normal circumstances, we would have taken your son for a tour of the boys’ school. However, as this has not been possible we have made a Welcome video for our incoming second class and you can view this on our website www.stmalachysbns.ie. Please watch this a few times with your son as it will help him to settle in and will familiarise parents and children with their new school building.
We hope your son is feeling excited about starting in the ‘big boys’ school.’ Do not worry if he is feeling a little nervous or anxious. We will do everything necessary to help him settle in and enjoy his experience in the Friary Boys’ School. While we all hope that we are in a safe position to return to school as normal, we await more guidance on this issue. As soon as this becomes available we will forward details to parents and keep you fully informed. Keep checking our website for updates and if you have any queries please contact us at office@stmalachysbns.ie.
I wish you and your son an enjoyable summer holiday and look forward to seeing you in the new school year.