Maths Week is always a fantastic week in the school and this one is shaping up very well indeed. This week we have a number of very enjoyable tasks for the boys, including the crowning of a ‘Maths Wizard’ in each class. Amongst other activities our 6th Class are taking part in Target Boards using the laptops, pinning themselves against schools all over the country. Ms Farrell and Ms Ronan have worked hard on a maths relay activity which is sure to get the hearts racing in both running and solving problems! Each class has also been assigned an activity on the Ipads, these range from Bee-Bot to Scratch Jnr and Kodable to Lightbot helping them to gain an understanding of problem solving and coding. We will also be tuning into Maths TV this week for Maths Rocks with Andrew Jeffrey at 10.10am on Wednesday, October 14th. There is so much going on in a fantastic Maths Week. Thanks to all the staff for orgainising it and we hope you enjoy our photos as much as the boys are enjoying the Maths!! Well done to our ‘Maths Wizards’, one of which was crowned from each class for an exceptional effort in Maths.