Once again we held a very enjoyable and successful Whole-SchooL Assembly. This assembly commenced with Mrs Mc Cann’s 5th Class leading us in prayer as well as the addition of the advent wreath and advent promises. We then had a speaker from Ms Ronan’s class who talked about our journey to gaining our 4TH GREEN FLAG for Travel!! This is a fantastic achievement and much thanks must go to Ms Ronan and the Green Flag Committee for all their continuous hard work each and every year. Afterwards we watched a compilation video of all the activities in the last term such as Science Week, Anti-Bullying wee, GAA coaching and much much more. The assembly was aptly finished with a rendition of ‘Count on me’ from Bruno Mars with music played by Mr Farrelly who has spent time with us on Teaching Practice in Ms Hennessy’s room. Well done to all the boys on their great work during this term, be sure to check out our highlights and award winners below!!