Dear parents,
With the recent government announcement that schools will remain closed throughout January, our school will begin remote teaching and learning from Monday 11th January as instructed by the Dept. of Education.
On Monday, a weekly planner detailing textbook activities will be posted on the homework section of our website ( This planner will also be posted on Seesaw. All work in next week’s planner can be completed using the textbooks that were sent home in school bags prior to Christmas. For anyone that was absent and did not get their school bag with books home, parents can collect these from the school on Monday between 10.00am and 1.00pm. Please phone (042 93 38145) or email ( before arriving so we can ensure books are ready.
Seesaw will not be required for children to complete tasks. Instead, Seesaw will be used as a help tool for those that wish to access it. It will be a useful means for teachers and pupils to interact. Teachers will post ‘help videos’ on Seesaw to assist children with their assigned work. Children can also ask for help and post their corrected work for teachers to see using Seesaw. Each child was given their Seesaw code earlier in the year and you can find instructions on how to ‘log-on’ in the homework section of our website. If children do not remember their code, details of how to request the code will be on Monday’s weekly planner.
Monday will be used to find school bags and books, familiarise with weekly planner, get set up on online programmes, etc. All staff will be on hand to assist children and parents with this. As always we will work with our parents and do our best to meet the learning needs of our children in these difficult and challenging circumstances. Enjoy your weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Keith Farrell