Last night brought an end to our Easter shows for 2024!! This was our first year back doing class shows since before Covid 19 and what a fantastic response we had!! Our shows ran on Wednesday the 13th and 20th of March with a variety of classes taking part each night. We would like to say how very proud we are of the boys. They have dedicated themselves to their shows, all in the name of entertaining friends and family, and there is no doubt they achieved that and much more!!
From 2nd Class all the way up to 6th and everyone in between brought audiences to the edge of their seats with gripping drama and bowled over with laughter. The staff behind the scenes such as stage managers, lighting, ticketing, costumes, music and much much more does not go unnoticed and a huge thanks and appreciation to our wonderful staff throughout the school for all pulling together to bring two great nights of entertainment to the Friary hall.
To the families, we hope you are as very proud of we are of yours sons, nephews, brothers and friends for their wonderful performances. We thank you for your generous support in purchasing show tickets and in our raffles.
We would like to wish you all a very Happy Easter.
Be sure to check our photos below: