The Boys in Ms Mullen’s 2nd Class were lucky enough to observe the fascinating process if Metamorphosis in the Butterfly life cycle. At the beginning of May they received a cup of 5 painted lady caterpillars in the post. They were very small to begin with but the more they ate, the more they grew! After about 2 weeks the caterpillars were ready to make their chrysalides . They hung upside down on the lid of the cup and shed their skin to reveal a hard shell called a chrysalis. They stayed inside for about 2 weeks where they changed into butterflies. During an English lesson the first butterfly emerged which caused great excitement! The boys learned all about the painted butterfly, it’s habitat and diet etc. It was finally time to release the butterflies so along their Sponsored Dundalk Walk they found themselves in Ice House Hill and were released into the wild. The boys were sad to see them go but excited to see them fly away. What an amazing adventure for all involved. Well done Ms Mullen and her 2nd Class boys!