Our 3rd Class have been really busy creating fascinating group art projects. The group were tasked with using paper sculptures to create a playground of their dreams. Some of the sculptures included soccer pitches, slides, ramps and all kinds of imaginative stuff. Well done to all involved. Check out the photos below:
Read MoreCongratulations to our Handwriting Winners for September. These boys have either shown excellence or huge improvements in their handwriting and presentation of work. The boys get a certificate and a pencil (junior) or pen (senior) with the St Malachy’s Boys’ crest on it. Well done boys, keep up the great work!!
Read MoreToday marked the first ever SNA appreciation day and we have been blessed with amazing SNAs throughout the school. As a mark of our appreciation to our 3 SNAs – Ms Grier, Ms Moran and Ms Knott not forgetting our recently retired Mrs Donnelly. Our SNA’s were each presented with a small gift of appreciation…
Read MoreOur annual ‘An Taisce’ spring clean kicked off at the end of April with classes wearing high viz bibs and gloves while cleaning in and around our school. Each class is assigned to a yard or surrounding area to clean up and recycle the litter they found. A tremendous effort is being made by all…
Read MoreThis week is National Bike Week. Tomorrow, is our Cycle On Wednesday – COW Day! We encourage boys to cycle to school if it is safe to do so. Remember, cyclists must wear a helmet! This week we marked Bike Week 2024 with a number of very exciting line up of events. The first was the the…
Read MoreOur Christmas Assembly 2023 brought the boys school to a new level of festivities with wonderful songs, poems and performances to get you in the Christmas spirit. Well done to all involved.
Read MoreCongratulations to our handwriting winners for September ’23. These boys received a special certificate and pencil or pen with StMalachy’s BNS printed on it alongside our crest. The handwriting awards both for ‘Best’ and ‘Most improved’ are a very important part of our journey towards cursive handwriting. Unfortunately there can only be 2 winners in…
Read MoreAfter a huge amount of time preparing for their First Holy Communion, our 2nd classes got to enjoy a very fun filled day at their school tour last week. Both Ms Mullen and Ms McElroys class packed up their bags and set off for the Crystal Maze. The adventure took them from filling basins of…
Read MoreIt’s the best Tuesday of the year…Pancake Tuesday!! It was marked in the usual celebratory fashion at St Malachy’s BNS where some of the boys enjoyed pancakes with a choice of toppings. Even some toppings that were hand-made by themselves as our 6th class made butter in preparation for the big day. It’s safe to…
Read MoreCongratulations to our third class pupil, Phoenix, who won a Special Merit Award in the prestigious Texaco Art Competition. With many thousands of entries, Phoenix’s portrait of soccer superstar ‘Ronaldo’ was chosen by the judges for a special award. Phoenix was presented with his certificate by Mr. Farrell (Principal) and Ms. Halpenny (organising teacher) and…
Read MoreLast week as part of National Bike Week boys from 2nd -6th classes made a fantastic effort to cycle their bikes to school. Well done to all. It was fantastic to see each and every one of them wearing a helmet too! There were great cycling prizes up for grabs, including helmets, lights and bells.…
Read MoreSafer Internet Day 2021 Ever wondered how safe the internet really is? Click on the image below to watch a short video from Webwise on ‘What Can I Trust Online?’
Read MoreA huge Thank You to the Muckian family, oweners of our local Spar shop on the Carrick Road for sponsoring us with a brand new set of Jerseys for our school team. At a difficult time for schools and businesses alike it is fantastic to have such a generous gesture from a great local business. …
Read MoreA huge congratulations to the boys of St Malachy’s BNS who made their First Holy Communion last weekend. They were a credit to themselves and their families in every way. A huge thanks also to Ms Halpenny and Ms Hennessy for all the hard work in preparing the boys for their special day.
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